Re: DID Extensions restructuring

+1 to this structure, feels very clean.


On 8/31/24 5:46 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> Per a recent DID WG decision[1], the new structure for the DID
> Extensions are in place. You can find the entry point here, which
> lists the registration process and the sub directories:
> Each subdirectory is now here:
> This structure is slightly different from what we resolved to do (we
> resolved to create two repositories). As I was working on the
> restructuring, two repositories started making less and less sense. If
> we want to, we can split it into two repositories, but I don't see a
> compelling reason to do so right now. It also didn't make a lot of
> sense to break out the "representations" bit into its own
> subdirectory, so I bunched it in with "resolution" for now. We can
> always re-shuffle in the future if needed.
> Pierre-Antoine will still need to do the various redirects on /TR/
> space, but the rough shape of the new DID Extensions document is in a
> shape where we could probably start processing PRs / changes on it. I
> expect there to be various items that need to be cleaned up, but the
> bulk of the work is now done.
> Please raise issues or PRs for changes you'd like to see made on the
> new structure. We can discuss the new structure and next steps on an
> upcoming DID WG call.
> -- manu
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2024 13:47:55 UTC