An effort towards DID method standardization

Recently conversations picked up between a number of folks across
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation,
W3C Credentials Community Group (W3C CCG), members of this WG, and other
organization in the Decentralized Identity space around standardizing DID

Leaders across these organizations see value in pushing forward methods
that can ‘pave the way’ for future method standardization, all with the
goal of making DIDs more successful, and more widely adopted throughout the

While it’s too soon to commit to how this work will be done, or all that it
will entail, we have put together a Letter of Intent outlining our plans to
collaborate on the method standardization effort.

Please view the excellent blog post from DIF which has links to the letter
and a google form where you are able to note your interest (or ambivalence)


Gabe Cohen

Director of Open Standards <>

TBD <> | LinkedIn <> |
Twitter <>

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 17:51:38 UTC