Re: Who am I Re: Unlawful Unregistered Securities, DID and VC

On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 3:23 PM Chaals Nevile
<> wrote:
> Within W3C I have been a participant representing RMIT University (1997-8), W3C staff member in the Web Accessibility Initiative (1998-2003) and the then Semantic Web activity (2002-2005), represented Opera (2005-2012) and then Yandex (2012-2018) as AC rep, I was on the W3C Advisory Board 2009-2020 and am again, chaired the Web Apps group for about a decade, and have participated in many W3C groups in the last 25 years.

I've known Chaals for at least 12 of those years, and can speak to
what I've observed of his character from his many years of service to
the Web and the various communities at W3C and elsewhere. He has
always operated with the utmost compassion, thoughtfulness, eloquence,
and his focus has always been on what's best for the Web and society
at large. The world would be far better with more Chaals'es, but alas,
we only get the one, it seems.

I've known Melvin for almost as long as I've known Chaals, and think
highly of him as well. He's been a passionate supporter of the Web and
associated technologies. I've always known him to be kind and
thoughtful in his engagements.

All that to say, I wouldn't read too much into the ad hominem stuff. I
expect Melvin was attempting to draw attention to possible biases, and
because this is a mailing list that loses many of the social cues that
we enjoy when we're in person, it came across as an attack when I
don't expect that Melvin meant it in that way.

Both Chaals and Melvin are delightful people in person, and are both
making points worth considering. Neither is coming from a background
of naivete nor acting in bad faith.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 15 June 2023 22:07:42 UTC