Re: ZK Verification for Issuer Claims

The DID WG isn't quite the right place for this question; you may want the
VC working group instead. However, the groups overlap, so I'll try to
provide a helpful response.

You've touched on a topic that's a bit sensitive, because within this
community there are strongly divergent opinions about the reality of this
use case, the best way to address it (if at all), and so forth.

If you want to know more about the arguments against a ZK approach, perhaps
talk to Dave Longley, who has articulated some principled concerns. If you
want to know more about those who are doing things like this, perhaps talk
to the Hyperledger Indy community. Both parties will be able to give you
much more detailed info.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 11:27 PM Kyano Kashi <> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> Is anyone focused on ZK verfication of Issuer claims?
> For example, assume a VC representing a government ID. A person goes to a
> bar and a prover needs to prove to the doorman, the verifier, they’re above
> 21. Really the only information the verifier needs to end up with is wether
> the prover is above 21 or not. They shouldn’t have access to their exact
> age.
> Is this something that’s actively being discussed / has been implemented?
> Would love to know more.
> Best,
> Kyano

Received on Monday, 12 September 2022 21:33:49 UTC