Re: DID Press Release Testimonials

Mavennet is a firm believer in the power of Decentralized Identifiers. We believe DIDs, and associated technologies are a fundamental cornerstone to building a more transparent, trusted and resilient web enabling commercial applications that were not possible before. Mavennet is actively building a number of products utilizing DIDs to augment trust, security and automation in the supply chain.

Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Director of Engineering, Mavennet
From: Kaliya Identity Woman <>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2022 4:23 PM
To: Adrian Gropper <>
Cc: Zundel, Brent <>; W3C DID Working Group <>; W3C Credentials Community Group <>
Subject: Re: DID Press Release Testimonials

From: Identity Woman in Business

I still remember that first whiteboard session for what would become Decentralized Identifiers (DID) v1.0 that I helped facilitate following the ID2020 conference in 2016. Since then, as a community steward and contributor, I have had the pleasure to watch the DID specification progress through workshoping at the Internet Identity Workshop and pre-standardization in the Credentials Community Group before spec work graduated into an official W3C working group - which I participated in as well. It is a big milestone for the community and towards the infrastructure we need to support individuals really owning and controlling the digital representations of themselves. In my new role as a Principal of a Decentralized Identity consulting firm, I look forward to helping organizations understand and implement this standard.

Kaliya Young, Identity Woman<>, Founder and Principal at Identity Woman in Business<>, W3C Invited Expert, co-founder of the Internet Identity Workshop<>

On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 8:49 AM Adrian Gropper <<>> wrote:
Standardized DIDs are an essential first step toward empowering individuals to engage peers, institutions and service providers without having to trade platform surveillance for convenience. A standardized digital identifier empowers the individual by reducing their switching costs among service providers and platform intermediaries. The power of individual choice and self-determination will not be realized, however, unless the protocols that incorporate identity enable delegation in order to manage the burden of choice and the anxiety of self-determination.

Adrian Gropper, CTO, Patient Privacy Rights Foundation

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 12:23 PM Zundel, Brent <<>> wrote:
This message is to inform the DID WG and CCG that the W3C intends to write a press release.
To that end, we are seeking testimonials about Decentralized Identifiers. For an example of the sort of thing we're looking for, please see:

The testimonials may be submitted as a reply to this email. The deadline for submission is July 15th.

Thank you,

Brent Zundel, co-chair DID WG

Received on Thursday, 14 July 2022 20:30:19 UTC