AW: DID Press Release Testimonials

From Jolocom:

„DID-core-specs becoming an official W3C recommendation is a major and long overdue milestone for the decentralized community. At Jolocom we are currently piloting a DID based Self-sovereign Identity Wallet in a multitude of use cases and with over two dozen partners. Questions of standardization and interoperability have always been at the core of our work in these projects. It is therefore especially gratifying and exciting to witness this step towards community cohesion. We also take it as major motivation to continue our efforts on interoperability, to keep implementing DIDs and to further contribute to W3C efforts.

Joachim Lohkamp
CEO, Jolocom GmbH“

Von: Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin <>
Datum: Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022 um 10:53
An: Wayne Chang <>
Cc: Christopher Allen <>, Daniel Buchner <>, Zundel, Brent <>, W3C DID Working Group <>, Credentials Community Group <>
Betreff: Re: DID Press Release Testimonials
Here is Diwala's contribution

"Diwala is working in parts of the world where the digital interconnectedness have some way to go. We see W3C Decentralized Identifiers as critical to build a better digital world for these countries. We see that DIDs is the foundation to achieve an evolution of the Web platform, and leapfrog countries who has yet to reach the same digital resources as the digital leading countries of this world. DIDs will help people of the web have better control of complexity. Combining this with adjacent specifications such as Verifiable Credentials will greatly increase innovation speed, innovation opportunities and data control. We support the move of DID-Core to a Recommendation, and look forward to continue building on it."

On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 8:59 PM Wayne Chang <<>> wrote:
From Spruce:

Spruce’s mission is to let users control their data across the web, and we strongly believe that the W3C Decentralized Identifiers are critical to achieving that. DIDs increase user choice, manage complexity across trust models, and when used with adjacent specifications such as Verifiable Credentials, can form the identity layer for a user-centric Internet. We strongly support DID-Core’s transition to a Recommendation, and will continue our contributions to the community.
-- Wayne Chang, Co-Founder and CEO, Spruce Systems, Inc.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 11:47 AM Christopher Allen <<>> wrote:
Brent, here is my contribution to the press release if it is useful to you:

"DIDs are at the core of our next generation of digital identity on the internet. I'm thrilled that their recognition as an international standard. However, they are just the first step. In order to ensure a compassionate digital infrastructure that protects digital human rights, we need to design DID-centric architectures that fulfill their decentralized possibilities and minimize the identities and credentials that we share. We've laid a great foundation with the DID 1.0 spec; now we need to build on it." -- Christopher Allen, IETF TLS 1.0 co-editor, W3C DID spec co-author, and Principal Architect at Blockchain Commons.

-- Christopher Allen

Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin
Co-Founder & CTO, Diwala
+47 411 611 94<>
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Received on Thursday, 14 July 2022 14:02:11 UTC