Re: DID Press Release Testimonials

Brent, here is my contribution to the press release if it is useful to you:

"DIDs are at the core of our next generation of digital identity on the
internet. I'm thrilled that their recognition as an international standard.
However, they are just the first step. In order to ensure a compassionate
digital infrastructure that protects digital human rights, we need to
design DID-centric architectures that fulfill their decentralized
possibilities and minimize the identities and credentials that we share.
We've laid a great foundation with the DID 1.0 spec; now we need to build
on it." -- Christopher Allen, IETF TLS 1.0 co-editor, W3C DID spec
co-author, and Principal Architect at Blockchain Commons.

-- Christopher Allen


Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2022 18:46:53 UTC