Re: Does the W3C still believe in Tim Berners-Lee's vision of decentralization?

On Oct 13, 2021, at 02:56 AM, Drummond Reed <> wrote:
> The Evernym blog post it links to is here: <> 

Overall, I'm in support of was written there.

However, I'm concerned that the DID Core and VC Data Model 
documents are not presented as the limited *Core* and *Data
Model* specifications they are; rather they are presented
as "DID 1.0 specification" and "VC 1.0 specification", each 
of which implies a much more complete ecosystem definition 
than what we actually produced in either case.

(The existence and ongoing strenuous efforts of the VC API
Work Item is just one piece of evidence of the incomplete
ecosystem we've specified thus far.)

Given the gravity of this whole situation, I feel it's 
important to adjust those titles in the blog post to 
reflect their actual titles and content, including their
(current) subtitles, i.e. --

* Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0
  Expressing verifiable information on the Web

* Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0
  Core architecture, data model, and representations

(I'm dismayed to realize that, although I think all of us 
in the DID WG consider this to be "DID Core v1.0", and that
is reflected in the doc's short-name, /TR/did-core/, and
its subtitle, we've actually titled the document as "DIDs 
v1.0".  This would be a good, I hope Editorial, thing to 
adjust if we make any further revisions to that document!)

Be seeing you,


A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Thursday, 21 October 2021 18:49:31 UTC