PR deadline

Greetings DID WG,

Our group has been moving the Decentralized Identifier Specification v1.0
toward Candidate Recommendation for many months now.
As part of this process, we began a feature freeze last year, and have
spent our time since then trying to address the remaining open issues.
To this end, we have repeatedly requested PRs be submitted.

We announced that there would soon be a deadline set by which all issues
must either have an associated PR, or be deferred to a future version of
the specification.
Our last special topic call was spent processing issues and before that we
had a working group meeting spent seeking volunteers who would submit PRs
to address them.

The deadline for these PRs to be submitted is February 9, 2021.
This gives those assigned two weeks in which to submit their PRs.
After this deadline, any remaining issues will be deferred to a future
version of the specification.

Thank you for your contributions to this work,

DID WG Chairs:
Dan Burnett,
Brent Zundel

Received on Tuesday, 26 January 2021 22:55:52 UTC