Re: Next Special Topic Call

Hi all,

I have to offer my apologies for this call, it's a bit late in my timezone.

I've had chance to talk to Manu and Orie about the Registries recently
though, and would like to offer the following topics and proposals for
the call:

1. Topic: Non-core "stuff"
     Summary: The DID Spec has some properties in it that are not common
to all DID methods. The DID core json-ld context has even more terms in
it that are neither defined in the spec, nor common to all DID methods.
     Proposal 1: We remove "non-core stuff" from the DID Core spec and
json-ld context.
                        (Related action: someone compiles a list of
"non-core stuff" to get consensus on before removal).
     Proposal 2: We submit the "non-core stuff" as one or more
extensions to the property registry. This also serves the purpose of
providing an exemplary extension, as well as testing the extensions
registration process on ourselves.
                        (Related action: someone with buy-in for each
[set of] non-core properties needs to set up (a) spec(s) etc for them).
     Bonus proposal: We set up a lightweight process to get these
extensions /back in/ to Core if there's enough demand before CR.

2. Topic: Not having an aggregate JSON-LD context for extensions
    Summary: The DID Spec Registries currently hosts a JSON-LD context
which aggregates all of the extensions terms. I think this does more
harm than good for reasons listed in
    Proposal: Remove the aggregate context from the Registries repo.
Nothing else needs to change actually because the process already
expects people to be hosting their own contexts.

I volunteer to be assigned any of the "related actions" noted, unless
someone else wants to. In general feel free to assign me in my absence
to anything related to the Registries..


On 8.5.2020. 16:03, Brent Zundel wrote:
> Greetings DID WG Participants,
> We are holding an additional call on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 6 PM EDT.
> We will be using the same Zoom room as our previous special call [1].
> The topic of this call will be the DID Registries.
> Thank you for your commitment to this work. We cannot move forward
> without your input and encourage you to attend these additional
> meetings as your schedules permit.
> The DID WG Chairs,
> Dan Burnett
> Brent Zundel
> [1]
> <>    

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 15:03:46 UTC