Re: [AGENDA] Decentralized Identifier Working Group (DID WG) Teleconference - 11 Feb 2020

Regrets for this week and next - we have our biggest annual event next
week and I am nowhere near ready for it...


On 11/02/2020 12:09, wrote:
> Tuesday 11 Feb 2020
> Time: 11:00 AM Boston (60min)
> Local date/time link:
> Connection details at end of note
> ### SPECIAL NOTE, if any ###
> Reminder: Our Webex connections have changed!
> Make sure you look up the proper Webex connection information.
> ###
> Scribe list: DanB, Oliver, PhilA, KenE, TallTed, Markus, Longley, MikeJ,
> MikeL, DavidE, KyleD, Orie, YancyR, BrentZ, Drummond, Manu, DmitriZ,
> JustinR, Buchner, ChrisW, Ganesh, Kaliya, Tobias, AmyG
> Meeting Chair: Brent Zundel
> Topic (time)
> 1-Agenda Review, Introductions, Re-introductions  (5 min)
> 2-F2F review [1] (20 min)
> 3-New repos: Registry, Impl. Guide  (15 min)
> 4-Document restructuring PR [2] (15 min)
> Links
> [1]
> [2]
> ==================
> = Connection details =
> =================
> Text Chat:
> IRC://
> Meeting link in archive:
> NOTE: Use the WebEx meeting link for North America/Europe
> =================
> The DID WG relies on IRC in our weekly call to encourage meeting
> participation, document our discussions, vote on resolutions and manage the
> speaker queue, etc. For more information about IRC in, please review

Phil Archer
Director, Web Solutions, GS1

Meet GS1 Digital Link Developers at!forum/gs1-digital-link-developers
+44 (0)7887 767755
Skype: philarcher
A word on abbreviations I sometimes use in email:

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Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 15:09:48 UTC