Re: Clarity on DID Resolution as it refers to DID WG

On 4/17/20 11:09 AM, Justin Richer wrote:
> I do not agree with your rewording of the charter line
> below, though (as I’ve said on numerous occasions) I do think we should
> have fully put resolution in scope for this working group from the
> start, and had assumed it would be.

Justin, thanks for elaborating upon your position. I'm having a hard
time understanding your mental model for the test suite, so it may take
me a couple of more reads of your email to understand where you're
coming from.

I didn't see a concrete counter-proposal for the suggested text in my
proposal: Could you please provide a concrete counter-proposal, even if
it is "strike that bullet item".

The text I suggested was to cover our bases with organizations that were
not under the impression that we'd do the sort of thing you are
proposing in this WG (or some variation thereof). That is, if everyone
agrees to the interpretation of the proposed item you referred to, we
cover all of our foreseeable bases.

If we just agree to what you're proposing, which again, I do not
understand fully yet, but will try again over the weekend, we may not
have all of our bases covered.

> I do think we should have fully put resolution in scope for
> this working group from the start, and had assumed it would
> be.

That is the point of contention. We should not assume anyone else
thought that. In fact, during our first face-to-face meeting, we have a
long conversation about just this topic with no clear resolution.

To further clarify, Digital Bazaar, absolutely did not agree to do *all
caps* "DID Resolution" in this WG. The specification and implementations
were nowhere ready and I suggest that they're still nowhere ready. From
our perspective, what we're contemplating doing is new and could be
argued as within scope, and I've done my best to put forward a
defensible argument that would allow us to pull a variation of your
current PR in if we can get the group to get to a consensus position on
the points I raised.

One of those points, the one you outlined, feels vital to me, because it
allows us to test in both directions. Write the tests as you're
suggesting, or write the tests against concrete implementations. Both of
those being in scope. Perhaps the way forward is to see if people feel
that we'd be covered if we just didn't add the bullet item...
personally, it's a risk I'd rather not take. I'll get an official stance
from Digital Bazaar before the call... I expect other companies would
need to do something similar.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Friday, 17 April 2020 17:38:28 UTC