Re: Network Information API: Mozilla's proposal

Hi Mounir,

On Dec 29, 2011, at 16:21 , Mounir Lamouri wrote:
> Mozilla has been working on a Network API (counter-)proposal [1] and we believe it's time to get some feedback from the task force.

I quite like your proposal. As Josh points out, there are complexities involved in determining both bandwidth and metered-ness but I believe that both are surmountable. In fact I think that what I like most about this proposal is that it lends itself rather well to progressively improved implementation without requiring the API to change. For instance, as operator network APIs become available that can actually give you accurate data about the connection's cost you can potentially make use of them without anything else changing.

> Unfortunately, Modernizr already has code like above [3]...


> In addition of those two attributes, there is a change event fired on the connection object when .bandwidth or .metered changes.

Having some sense of the granularity that this exposes (bandwidth changes pretty much all the time) might be useful.

One thing that would help here is if the spec had an editor! Any volunteers?

Oh, and if you're going to keep making good proposals, you might as well join the group at some point ;-)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 14:49:11 UTC