Re: Battery Status API aligned with Mozilla's implementation

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Mounir Lamouri <> wrote:
> On 10/25/2011 05:11 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 8:57 AM,<>  wrote:
>>>> On 24.10.2011, at 10.16, ext Anssi Kostiainen wrote:
>>>> I replaced 'chargingState' of type DOMString with 'charging' of type
>>> boolean:
>>>> [[
>>>> charging of type boolean, readonly
>>>> Represents if the system's battery is charging. The attribute must be
>>>> set
>>> to
>>>> true if the battery is charging, and set to false otherwise, or if the
>>>> implementation is unable to report the state, or there is no battery
>>> attached
>>>> to the system.
>>>> ]]
>>> I assume that charging is also set to true when the battery is full?
>>> - Cathy.
>> As long as the cable is still plugged in I would assume so too.
>> Maybe it would be better to call the property .pluggedin or some such?
>> (I generally try to stay out of naming discussions, but I figured I
>> should bring it up).
> With .plugged or .pluggedIn, we get the confusion with device being plugged
> but not charging (like a tablet plugged via USB).
> I don't think it's a big deal to keep charging = true when the battery is
> actually full. We could rename this property discharging which might solve
> the issue but would be weird IMO. Otherwise, we can go with the multiple
> state property ;)

Either .pluggedin or .charging IMHO. I agree it would be weird to invert it.

/ Jonas

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 19:57:11 UTC