Re: Feedback about Battery Status Events

On 10/24/2011 08:21 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:18 AM, Anssi Kostiainen
>> The latest spec says:
>> [[
>> The [remaining] attribute must be set to the value positive Infinity, if the implementation is unable to report the time remaining, or there is no battery attached to the system."
>> ]]
> It should also return Infinity if the device is plugged in and
> actually charging (i.e. power usage is lower than power supplied),
> right?

I think 'remaining' should be used to show the remaining time before the 
battery is full when the battery is charging. This is an information UI 
are going to need.

Also, I would like to point that remaining === Infinity will be a way to 
check if the device actually has a battery or not. In some way, I think 
consumers of this API might required this information but I'm not sure 
this is done on purpose. I would have preferred to have a more explicit 
way to show this information. I think it would be better to default to 0 
instead of Infinity. Given that with no battery, the state will always 
be charging, remaining=0 would mean fully charge which makes sense I 


Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 08:41:54 UTC