Re: CfC: Battery Last Call

On 11/17/2011 05:07 PM, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> 2. A bit more sensitive information like whether the device has a battery or not. We do not expose clearly this information but you can get it by doing (battery.chargingTime == battery.dischargingTime) both will be Infinity if the device is battery-less. This information can't be used to attack the user but can help fingerprinting her/him: it's adding one bit of entropy (as far as I understand it). I believe this bit of entropy is not a big deal given that there are far more than one [1].
>> However, do we care about that? do we want to make it impossible for any consumer of Battery Status API to know if the device has a battery? If we don't, we should probably add an attribute that makes this more obvious like navigator.battery.hasBattery.
> It's a trade-off. I think that 1) Battery is useful, 2) one bit isn't much, and 3) shielding this behind a doorhanger makes it close to useless.

I tend to agree. Then, shall we add an attribute to the BatteryManager 
object that explicitly says if there is a battery in the device?


Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 10:44:40 UTC