Call for review of new specs

Dear WebApps WG members,

As you are hopefully aware, the WebApps WG added the following joint deliverables to its Charter in collaboration with the Device and Sensors (DAS) Working Group:

* Screen Wake Lock API -
* DeviceOrientation Event Specification -
* Geolocation API -

As these specs are new to our working group, we invite WebApps members, invited experts, and public participants to review these specifications so that they may continue their advancement along the W3C Recommendation Track. 

In particular, we strongly encourage implementers to take this opportunity to provide feedback (specially as some implementers were not part of DAS and were somewhat restricted from doing so in the past). It’s a great opportunity for us to achieve further interoperability with those specs, and address the few outstanding issues that remain… and possibly even add some new features! 

Kind regards,
Co-Chair, WebApps WG

Received on Monday, 8 April 2024 01:10:34 UTC