Hi Tom, Lars,
Luckily you only missed the "new work" session that kicked off our series of virtual meetings this week :-)
The minutes for the first session are at: https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html
We split this virtual meeting into 2 hour chunks to make it more digestible and have more discussions coming up in ~2.5 hours. Agenda and joining instructions at:
All - please tune in!
On 6. Apr 2021, at 10.31, Lars Knudsen <larsgk@gmail.com<mailto:larsgk@gmail.com>> wrote:
I am sad to have missed the sensor discussions - but now all subsequent are set as blocks in the family calendar, so I should be able to attend.
On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 9:23 AM Thomas Steiner <tomac@google.com<mailto:tomac@google.com>> wrote:
Duh, belated regrets. I completely missed this (local time 7AM after a four day long Easter weekend). It was in my calendar, but I simply didn't even look at it. Sorry about that! Thanks for the great minutes!