Hi All,
I just opened two GH issues to discuss the DAS WG TPAC proceedings for the Network Information API.
Maybe we'll move this discussion to the spec GH repo to have more eyeballs on the issues? See inline.
On 26. Oct 2020, at 11.09, Thomas Steiner <tomac@google.com<mailto:tomac@google.com>> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 4:51 PM Ilya Grigorik <igrigorik@google.com<mailto:igrigorik@google.com>> wrote:
Hey all.
On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 5:12 AM Thomas Steiner <tomac@google.com<mailto:tomac@google.com>> wrote:
Thanks, all, for the responses so far. The initial question for @Ilya Grigorik<mailto:igrigorik@google.com> still stands (whether there's still some active spec work happening).
+Yoav Weiss<mailto:yoavweiss@google.com> captured it well, there is desire but no active spec work to address some of the lessons learned. If someone is willing to drive that process, that'd be great.
Thanks for the update, Ilya! I guess it's up to the two WGs' chairs then to see if and how to collaborate on this spec then, right?
Also, thanks, Addy, for the household names, we definitely have some strong industry representatives in there and can thus say the use cases are indeed valid and on active use.
For the use cases in fact, there's some great discussion happening already in issue 85<https://github.com/WICG/netinfo/issues/85>, with the "metered" aspects being the topic of issue 84<https://github.com/WICG/netinfo/issues/84>. So I guess we're in a theoretically good position to continue this discussion and just need to agree on a practical way as to the how. Is this an adequate summary of the state of affairs?
Yes, I'd just caution not to over-index on the past backlog and first spend some quality time on unpacking lessons learned from what is already out there, and have a think on whether there is a simpler implementation that can satisfy the key needs whilst exposing less entropy.
I agree. @Addy Osmani<mailto:addyo@google.com>, are you in a position to provide some insights here? And @Yoav Weiss<mailto:yoavweiss@google.com>, you the WG members would probably have opinions on this, too. Is it worth opening an Issue to collect new use cases and another one to reflect on existing use cases?
-Anssi (DAS WG co-chair)