Re: Devices and Sensors WG - TPAC 2020 virtual meeting 22-23 October 2020

Hi All,

Please find the Devices and Sensors WG TPAC 2020 virtual meeting agenda at:

The meeting is split across two days as follows:

* 22 October 2020, 5:00 UTC
* 23 October 2020, 5:00 UTC

I've invited Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C's PM lead, to give us an update on the group's Charter 2020. We'll kick off the first day 22 Oct with Philippe's update so please join in time.

Given the group's focus on secure and privacy-preserving client-side APIs, we'll dedicate the second day 23 Oct for privacy discussions taking a holistic view across all the APIs in scope of the group and more.

If you don't see your favorite topic on the agenda, please suggest it in the comments of the GH issue and the chairs will take your proposal into consideration within the limits of the scheduled time.

To be eligible to attend, please remember to register at:

Please find the Zoom coordinates at:

Fuqiao sent calendar invites to those of you who had already registered. If you did not receive an invitation, please make sure to mark your calendars manually noting the Zoom coordinates above.

Talk to you in a few weeks!


-Anssi (DAS WG co-chair)

On 1. Oct 2020, at 12.39, Kostiainen, Anssi <<>> wrote:

Hi All,


The Devices and Sensors WG TPAC 2020 virtual meeting takes place:

* 22 October 2020, 5:00 UTC
* 23 October 2020, 5:00 UTC

Agenda and logistics:


We have room for couple of more agenda topics. Please add your suggestions as comments to the agenda issue, or chime in here.


-Anssi (DAS WG co-chair)

Received on Friday, 9 October 2020 09:46:25 UTC