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public-device-apis@w3.org from October 2018
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12 messages
Tuesday, 2 October 2018 09:52:14 UTC,
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:54:58 UTC
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Devices and Sensors WG F2F at TPAC - draft minutes
Kostiainen, Anssi
(Wednesday, 31 October)
Weekly github digest (Devices and Sensors WG specifications)
W3C Webmaster via GitHub API
(Tuesday, 23 October)
DAP-ACTION-818: Investigate what popular computer vision js libraries are available.
Devices and Sensors Working Group Issue Tracker
(Tuesday, 23 October)
DAP-ACTION-817: Add a note to deviceorientationevent that "implementors need to be aware that the future work is now happening on the generic sensor-based specifications"
Devices and Sensors Working Group Issue Tracker
(Tuesday, 23 October)
DAP-ACTION-816: Take an action to rebase #49
Devices and Sensors Working Group Issue Tracker
(Tuesday, 23 October)
DAP-ACTION-815: Discuss with chrome api owners whether to deprecate ondeviceorientationabsolute event
Devices and Sensors Working Group Issue Tracker
(Tuesday, 23 October)
DAP-ACTION-814: Talk to marijn to understand why geofencing api work was abandoned
Devices and Sensors Working Group Issue Tracker
(Tuesday, 23 October)
TPAC 2018 - List of restaurants
Alexandra Lacourba
(Saturday, 13 October)
Weekly github digest (Devices and Sensors WG specifications)
W3C Webmaster via GitHub API
(Tuesday, 9 October)
TPAC 2018 - Registration closes on 14 October
Alexandra Lacourba
(Monday, 8 October)
Weekly github digest (Devices and Sensors WG specifications)
W3C Webmaster via GitHub API
(Tuesday, 2 October)
Agenda for the Devices and Sensors WG F2F at TPAC
Kostiainen, Anssi
(Tuesday, 2 October)
Last message date
: Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:54:58 UTC