Re: Revised Charter approved, new co-chair

Thank you for the introduction Anssi. It's an honor to serve with you in
this group. This is my first time in a role like this so please bare with
me as I figure it out.
Reilly Grant | Software Engineer | | Google Chrome

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 5:08 AM Kostiainen, Anssi <>

> Hi All,
> [This group-level update happened over the vacation period, thus brought
> to your attention a bit late. Sorry!]
> As anticipated, the Devices and Sensors Working Group Revised Charter was
> approved 29 June 2018:
> The official announcement (Member-only link):
> I'm thrilled to announce Reilly Grant of Google is now officially joining
> me as the DAS WG co-chair. As many of you know, Reilly has been working on
> the Chromium project in the area related to this group's work. Reilly also
> brings extensive experience in editing web specifications for features that
> interact with devices and hardware to the group.
> I look forward to chairing the DAS WG with Reilly. Welcome!
> The Revised Charter also adds two new specifications to this group, namely:
> * Geolocation Sensor
> * DeviceOrientation Event
> The transfer of these specs' repos to this group is in progress.
> Meanwhile, please get in touch with the chairs if you're interested in
> helping with either of these specifications as a contributor or as an
> editor.
> And finally, an admin thing related to the Revised Charter you need to pay
> attention to:
> A new Call for Participation in DAS WG was sent out on 29 June 2018 when
> the Revised Charter was approved. To continue participate, your
> organization must re-join the group by 13 August 2018 (next Monday) via the
> following online form available to Advisory Committee Representatives:
> If your organization has not yet re-joined the group, please ask your AC
> rep to re-join you. If you're not sure, you may send a friendly
> notification to your AC rep by clicking the "Send request to join to AC
> Rep" on the above online form.
> Any questions regarding re-joining, please contact the W3C Team Contact
> Fuqiao (cc'd).
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (Devices and Sensors WG co-chair)

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 19:06:20 UTC