[admin] Agenda - DAS Distributed Meeting 26 January 2017

Agenda - Device and Sensors (DAS) Distributed Meeting 26 January 2017, 10am ET (1 hour), logistics below

1) Welcome, scribe selection, agenda review, announcements

The WG Note marking the shelving of Network Service Discovery has been published: https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/NOTE-discovery-api-20170112/ 

Now have weekly digest of GitHub activity (thanks Dom)

2) Minutes approval

Approve minutes from 12 January 2017


proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 12 January 2017 are approved

3) Generic Sensor API


4) Wake Lock API

Next steps

5) Battery/Vibration

Shelve Battery? (Or not and next steps)

Updates for Vibration?

6) Other Business

7) Adjourn

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch
Chair, W3C Devices and Sensors Working Group


IRC channel:


WebEx Meeting link:


WebEx logistics, see


(member only)

Dial in directly: +1-617-324-0000

We will continue to use zakim to manage the queue (q+, q-, q? etc) but
it is not integrated with WebEx

WebEx best practices:


When you join the chat, please register your attendance by typing
Present+ First_Last
where First and Last are your first and last name, no space between
Present and '+'

Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 15:14:47 UTC