回复:[ambient-light] Test suite PRs up for review

#3535 merged; #3696 reviewed with comments.------------------------------------------------------------------发件人:Kostiainen, Anssi <anssi.kostiainen@intel.com>发送时间:2016年9月12日(星期一) 21:00收件人:W3C Device APIs WG <public-device-apis@w3.org>抄 送:"Lin, Wanming" <wanming.lin@intel.com>主 题:[ambient-light] Test suite PRs up for review
Hi All,

Wanming has been working on and recently pushed out proposed updates to the Ambient Light Sensor test suite (thanks Wanming!), see:


It seems #3535 would be good to be merged by folks who have write access to 

All - please feel free to review #3696.



Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 02:37:41 UTC