Re: Update on privacy work


Thanks for pinging me.
I am going through a very... eventful time recently. I keep my eyes open on
the lists and works.

First of all, if I understand correctly, privacy considerations for
Vibration are accepted. I'm unsure if we should include a detailed
discussion about cross-device, cross-domain and others. Perhaps this should
be included in the sensors that can actually read/interpret data (vibration
It is also closed in GH.

For the generic sensors API, I listed [1] and [2] as possible issues that
might need to be addressed ("upstream").

For Ambient Light Sensors, I am waiting for a message indication that the
considerations in Vibration API are fine. Then I go to ALS. Yes, indeed I
would use my report as a blueprint. But I am thinking of something more,
too. We discussed some privacy aspects at [3].

Is there any "delivery" date I should keep in mind for ALS?

I'm also wondering if there may be some other outside-the-box issues, so I
asked Riju if it's possible to test the initial implementation (thanks,
Riju!). Now I need to close my current tasks outside of W3C and proceed to
this as well.

As for the PDF report, I am also wondering if we could lead this to a W3C
Note. Personally, I think this would be an interesting work.
In this case, I am volunteering to be an editor. I would ask for a
co-editor (from DAS and/or PING)?
In this case, we should also come up with recomendations for web authors?


2016-05-26 15:48 GMT+01:00 Frederick Hirsch <>:

> Lukasz
> We've had an item for Sensor Privacy on the DAS agenda for a while,
> perhaps you can provide an update by email?
> Thanks for the Sensor privacy analysis -
> Should this lead to a W3C note?
> What are your next steps related to privacy for the Generic Sensor API and
> related work like Ambient Light Sensor?
> Thanks
> regards, Frederick
> Frederick Hirsch
> Chair, Devices and Sensors WG

Received on Saturday, 28 May 2016 11:17:52 UTC