Re: [sensors] status update

Hi Tobie, All,

> On 16 Jun 2016, at 13:41, Tobie Langel <> wrote:
> Just a heads-up that I'm currently in between contracts at Intel. As the
> summer months are traditionally much slower at W3C, I'll use that time
> to focus on reducing the technical debt of the WebIDL spec on behalf of
> Google (migrating the spec to Bikeshed, triaging the bug trackers). I'm
> hoping to be back full steam on the sensor specs shortly. In the
> meantime, Anssi and Riju should be able to answer questions you might
> have wrt to the specs or the ongoing Blink implementation.

Much thanks Tobie for your contributions to the sensor specs to date. I'm happy to hear you're focusing on the WebIDL spec for a while -- a critical part of the web platform and a normative dependency on every Web API spec being worked on at W3C and elsewhere. You'll get a lot of new (editor) friends soon :-)

On a related note, Alexander and Mikhail (cc'd) joined this working group earlier this week. The guys have worked with Riju on the sensor Chromium implementation [1], and will now engage more closely with this group. First, ensuring all the implementation feedback is channeled to this group, and then helping iron out any rough edges in the specs. The plan is to continue iterate the specs and implementations in a tight feedback loop.




Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 11:25:40 UTC