Re: [sensors] Allowing data batching when poll frequency < sensor frequency

>  (for example, onchange events emitted at 60 Hz and a sensor 
emitting values at 1,000 Hz)

So for this example, there would be at least ~17 values between each 
`ondata`(or whatever it's called) event. A 200 Hz accelerometer would 
have ~3 values between each `ondata`. Is it smart to expose a feature 
that will inevitably lead to code that does something like this: 

let { Accelerometer } = sensors;
let accel = new Accelerometer({ frequency: 60, batch: true });
accel.on("data", function(event) {
  // For illustration only...
  // "event.batch" is an array of objects containing frozen 
"snapshots" of 
  // all the readings in the last 16.666666ms
  event.batch.length; // 17 for a 1000 Hz sensor
  event.batch.length; // 3 for a 200 Hz sensor

Ok, that's fine right? But what happens when it's an `onchange` event 
and the user sets the phone down on a table and has the screen sleep 
set to 30 minutes? 29 minutes later, they pick up the phone, which 
triggers the `onchange` which now delivers an array containing 
`104400000` (`1000ms * 60s * 60m * 29m`) frozen snapshot objects. 

**This will lock up your browser**

var batch = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 104400000; i++) {
  batch[i] = {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3};

Another issue is that developers may write code that's somehow 
dependent on the number of records in a batch for the `ondata` event, 
eg. 17 for the 60 Hz reporting of the 1000 Hz sensor, or 3 for the 60 
Hz reporting of the 200 Hz sensor.

Unless the batching period is _only_ for the last period (16.66--ms in
 our example)?

What if there is no batching included, but design in a way that allows
 later introduction if there is demand. I suggest this because 
batching could be done in user code: 

let { Accelerometer } = sensors;
let accel = new Accelerometer(); // Important!! This will default to 
the sensor's read resolution
let batch = [];
let start, end;
accel.on("data", function(event) {
  if (batch.length === 0) {
    start = event.timestamp;
    end = start + this.period;
  if (event.timestamp < end) {
    // I can pick what information is useful to me...
  } else {
    batch.length = 0;

If this becomes common, we can extend the api to alleviate the pain. 

GitHub Notif of comment by rwaldron

Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 18:17:51 UTC