[W3C TCP and UDP Socket API] Informal CfC on moving the SysApps TCP and UDP Socket APi to a Community Group

The SysApps WG charter expired Oct 1 2014 and no re-chartering process is in progress. Similar to Wayne Carr's CfC on Intel's SysApps specification, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sysapps/2015Mar/0001.html, I am issuing an informal CfC on moving the SysApps TCP and UDP Socket API to a Community Group. The latest version of the TCP and UDP Socket API is: http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/tcp-udp-sockets/.

The main reason why moving to a Community Group, instead of a Working Group, is proposed is that the original assumption for this API was a secure "Web System Applications Runtime", standardized by the SysApps WG. As this has not been defined the main issue with the TCP and UDP Socket API is security, i.e. it does not fit with the Web Security model as it is defined today. However, in the current version of the API there is defined an approach to meet this issue, see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sysapps/2015Apr/0001.html for more information.

The purpose of this informal CfC is to determine consensus on the following proposition:
The members of the SysApps WG do not object to moving the TCP and UDP Socket API to a Community Group where other Community Groups or anyone outside W3C would be allowed to
take and develop them (as allowed by the Community Group Contributor License Agreement).

Please respond be end of day 24 April 2014.  As usual in a CfC, silence is considered agreement with the proposal, but a direct response is preferred.  It would be very helpful to express any objection.

Best regards

Claes Nilsson
Master Engineer - Web Research
Advanced Application Lab, Technology

Sony Mobile Communications
Tel: +46 70 55 66 878



Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 08:08:16 UTC