RE: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

Hi Frederick,

The implementations I am aware of are:
* Mozilla FFOS: There is an ongoing implementation of the UDP API. See 
* Crosswalk: An experimental implementation of the old, non-stream-based version. See 

There is no public web page with this information.


Claes Nilsson
Master Engineer - Web Research
Advanced Application Lab, Technology

Sony Mobile Communications
Tel: +46 70 55 66 878

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frederick Hirsch []
> Sent: den 7 april 2015 13:53
> To: Nilsson, Claes1
> Cc:; public-webapps; Device APIs Working Group;
> Domenic Denicola;;
> Subject: Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this
> specification
> > Lastly, if there is a decision to continue to work on this API I can
> remain as main editor. However, I can currently not commit to more
> extensive tasks such as implementation and test cases.
> Claes
> Do you have information on W3C members committed to implementation &
> test cases going forward? This might be useful before considering venue
> for the work and detailed issues. (Is there a public web page with
> information on current implementations?)
> thanks
> regards, Frederick
> Frederick Hirsch
> @fjhirsch
> > On Apr 1, 2015, at 5:22 AM, Nilsson, Claes1
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Related to the recent mail thread about the SysApps WG and its
> deliverables I would like to make a report of the status of the TCP and
> UDP Socket API,

> >
> > Note that this specification is still being worked on. Latest merged
> PR was March 30. I think it is time for a new Public Working Draft.
> >
> > This API is used to send and receive data over the network using TCP
> or UDP.
> > Examples of use cases for the API are:
> >  • An email client which communicates with SMTP, POP3 and
> IMAP servers
> >  • An irc client which communicates with irc servers
> >  • Implementing an ssh app
> >  • Communicating with existing consumer hardware, like
> internet connected TVs
> >  • Game servers
> >  • Peer-to-peer applications
> >  • Local network multicast service discovery, e.g. UPnP/SSDP
> and mDNS
> >
> > The TCP and UDP Socket API is a phase 1 deliverable of the SysApps WG.
> SysApps was originally chartered to provide a runtime and security
> model so that it would be possible to open up sensitive APIs to SysApps
> enabled runtimes. Accordingly, it was assumed that the TCP and UDP
> Socket API would be exposed to such a “trusted runtime”. Looking at
> existing TCP and UDP Socket APIs they are implemented in proprietary
> web runtimes, FFOS and Chrome, which provide a security model for
> installed packaged web runtimes.
> >
> > Today we can conclude that it has not been possible to standardize a
> runtime and security model in SysApps. However, there still seems to be
> an interest in the TCP and UDP Socket API, at least from individuals at
> Google and Mozilla. For example, there has been extensive work,
> supported by Google, to adapt this API to the Streams API specification,

> >
> > To meet the issue that we don’t have a standardized secure “web
> system applications” runtime and that the current open web browser
> sandbox is not secure enough for this kind of API (but the security
> features are evolving through the Web Application Security Working
> Group) I recently added “permission methods”, partly inspired by the
> W3C Push API. A webapp could for example request permission to create a
> TCP connection to a certain host. The ambition is to isolate the
> permission system from the socket interfaces specifications and the
> manner in which permission to use this API is given differs depending
> on the type of web runtime the API is implemented in. For example, a
> web runtime for secure installed web applications may be able to open
> up this API so that no explicit user content is needed, while an
> implementation in a web browser may use a combination of web security
> mechanisms, such as secure transport (https:), content security
> policies (CSP), signed manifest, certificate pinning, and user consent
> to open up the API.
> >
> > If SysApps WG is closed and the scope of W3C is limited to APIs that
> could be exposed the “normal browser context” (which is evolving, once
> again referring to Web Apps Sec WG) a new home for this API could be
> the Device API WG. A Community Group, similar to what we have for Web
> Bluetooth and NFC, would also be a possibility.
> >
> > WDYT?
> >
> > Lastly, if there is a decision to continue to work on this API I can
> remain as main editor. However, I can currently not commit to more
> extensive tasks such as implementation and test cases.
> >
> > Best regards
> >   Claes
> >
> >
> > Claes Nilsson
> > Master Engineer - Web Research
> > Advanced Application Lab, Technology
> >
> > Sony Mobile Communications
> > Tel: +46 70 55 66 878
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <image003.png>

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 14:08:35 UTC