Re: [W3C TCP and UDP Socket API]: Status and home for this specification

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:

> Not saying that we can use CORS to solve this, or that we should
> extend CORS to solve this. My point is that CORS works because it was
> specified and implemented across browsers. If we'd do something like
> what Domenic proposes, I think that would be true here too.
> However, in my experience the use case for the TCPSocket and UDPSocket
> APIs is to connect to existing hardware and software systems. Like
> printers or mail servers. Server-side opt-in is generally not possible
> for them.
Isn't the problem that these existing systems can't be changed (let's say
an IRC server) to support say WebSockets, and thus it'd be convenient to be
able to TCP to it. I think that is something CORS-like could actually
solve. You could deploy (on the same origin) a webserver that handles the
opt-in for that origin/port/protocol and then the webserver can open a
connection to it. For example:

var socket = new Socket(); socket.connect('', 194);


port: 194


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

-> browser opens a TCP connection to 194.

So you don't need to upgrade the existing system for server authorization.
You just need to deploy a (http compatible) authorative source on the same
origin that can give a browser the answer it desires.

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2015 16:37:39 UTC