CfC: publish FPWD of Wake Lock API; respond before 19 January 2015

Hi all,

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC)  to publish a FPWD of ‘Wake Lock API’, with a short name of ‘wake-lock’.

A snapshot for the CfC is at: [1]

Please note that this CfC has two aspects: (1) agreeing to publish a FPWD of the draft and (2) agreeing to the short name for publication.

We can expect some editorial updates to the document as part of the publication process, including update of the W3C cover page for FPWD,  an update to the references, and an update to the status section.

Please note that a FPWD is just that, a first public draft, so it need not be perfect and subsequent change is possible; publishing this draft should give it further review and attention. 

Please respond to this CfC (even a +1 is useful) before 19 January 2015 (5 weeks due to holidays).  Silence will be considered agreement .


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair DAP
[1] The version being edited is in git:

Received on Saturday, 13 December 2014 18:57:16 UTC