[admin] DAP Agenda items?

So far we have a light agenda for tomorrow’s DAP call. The primary item is to discuss test case status, but I’ve seen nothing new related to testing on the list. 

We should reach a conclusion regarding making Security & Privacy considerations section of HTML Media Capture non-normative or not. Best is probably to make a concrete change proposal, share with the privacy interest group and then have a CfC on this list.  I have an action to do this and I see no need for more discussion after discussion on the last call.

Other than that we have a few status updates I will share by email. You’ve seen my emails requesting implementation information and feedback related to Network Service Discovery. If you can help further, please do so.

Please let me know of any agenda topics or need for teleconference discussion by sending a message to the public list.   If I don’t see any request by 3 hours before the call, I expect to cancel the call.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair, W3C DAP Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 20:52:28 UTC