RE: DAP-ISSUE-149: handling of long vibration list - truncate or no vibration at all [Vibration API]

> And here's my proposal how to address this:
> [[
> [NEW] Let /max length/ be the /pattern/'s implementation-dependent
> maximum length.

I would suggest:
Let /max length/ be an implementation-dependent maximum pattern length.

- Cathy.

> 3. If the length of /pattern/ is greater than /max length/, truncate /pattern/,
> leaving only the first /max length/ entries.
> [...]
> [NEW] Let /max duration/ be an implementation-dependent maximum
> duration for a single vibration entry in a /pattern/.
> 5. For each entry in /pattern/ whose value is greater than /max duration/, set
> the entry's value to /max duration/.
> ]]
> All - please review this proposal, and let the group know if you have any
> concerns with this change.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi

Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 15:07:54 UTC