OMA DANE liaison and W3C Devices API WG (DAP)


Thank you for sharing the OMA liaison statement regarding the OMA DANE work item with the W3C Device APIs Working Group (DAP).

The DAP working group discussed this and believes the topic might be better discussed in general with the W3C Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group (coremob) [1] , and we have shared the liaison statement with them [2].

The W3C System Applications Working Group (SysApps)  may also have more to contribute given the stronger integration with the host platform and consideration of the runtime environment and security model [3].

That said, DAP is working on a Network Information API [4] designed to provide applications with information about the underlying connection characteristics, so if DANE exposes network characteristics it might be relevant. Your group might wish to look at this DAP specification and let us know if you have any concerns or suggestions.

Thank you

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair, W3C DAP Working Group





Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 14:38:58 UTC