DAP-ISSUE-146: Add vibration strength control [Vibration API]

DAP-ISSUE-146: Add vibration strength control [Vibration API]


Raised by: Frederick Hirsch
On product: Vibration API

Raised on behalf of Binyamin,  "ext 7raivis@inbox.lv" <7raivis@inbox.lv>  



Vibration strength control would improve UX, it is like to control sound
volume. It shocks on starting loud music or strong vibration. If it would
have option to start from peaceful quiet music, weak vibration, it would
make a obviously strongly better UX. Old GSM devices still has such a

Proposal , see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2013Aug/0051.html

Vibration API strength proposal with stair-stepping/smooth volume reduce/increase:

            "time": 200, // Required property.
            "volume": [0, 80] // Minimum 0, maximum 100, default 100. [0, 80] smooth volume increase - starts volume strength at 0 and smoothly increases to 80 till end.
            "time": 1000, // 1000 ms
            "delay": 50, // Will start vibrate after 50 ms. Default 0 ms
            "volume": [0, 100, 0] // Smooth volume reduce-increas-reduce - starts at 0, smoothly increases to 100 in 50 ms and smooth reduce to 0 at end.
            "time": 200,
            "volume": [50] // Stair-stepping volume - will start and end volume strength 50.

or the same in simplified version without strings:

    navigator.vibrate([{200, [0, 80]}, {1000, 50, [0, 100, 0]}, {200, [50]}]);

and single 1 s vibrate with 100 strength and without delay:

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 14:13:01 UTC