Re: [network-info] Added use cases and mentioning outstanding issues

On 08/11/12 21:20, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
>> As discussed at TPAC [1], I've updated the ED of the Network Information
>> API to include a few use cases and the outstanding issues.
> Re "Any app trying to aggressively cache any downloaded asset when the user has a low bandwidth or a metered connection", I think you mean " Any app trying to aggressively cache any downloaded asset when the user has a high bandwidth or a non-metered connection "

I meant that. The idea is that an application might want to aggressively
cache when the user has a low bandwidth or a metered connection.

> The "return non absolute values" idea seems to be a valuable compromise between privacy and the importance of this information.

Does other people believing that 'bandwidth' is a bad idea would agree
with non-absolute values like 'slow'/'fast'.

> I also agree that the metered flag should be retained, though I suggest it be not a Boolean but rather "yes", "no", or "unknown". Reporting a connection as unmetered when that's actually unknown (or unknowable in the current device), is IMO a bad idea.

The specification clearly requests user agents that can't figure out if
the user has a metered connection to return 'false'.


Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 16:07:11 UTC