Re: [Vibration] Feedback on the Vibration API

Le 07/11/2012 13:12, Anssi Kostiainen a écrit :
>> If this is so, this is a spec bug (or just not correctly worded). I'm fairly certain that notifications can cause the phone to vibrate independent of application (e.g., when you get an SMS).
> I think you're right in that trusted (or privileged apps) should be able to vibrate the device even if not visible. Thanks for pointing this out!
> To make this clearer, I propose we add something like the following as a note after the step 6 (feel free to propose a better wording):
> [[
> Note
> A trusted (also known as privileged) application that integrates closely with the operating system's functionality may vibrate the device even if such an application is not visible at all, and thus may ignore the previous step.
> ]]
> Alternatively, we could bake similar language in to the algorithm itself. As the algorithm is currently written, we're bailing out at step 6 if the privileged app invoking vibrate() is hidden.
> Justin, David, Marcos - does that change make sense to you?
It does and it could be enough.
It's not absolutely, but I would add that trusted/privileged app can 
cancel "regular" app vibrations even if the app is visible. In a 
nutshell, even if a trusted app is in the background/hidden, it can 
cancel visible apps vibration.
I would also assume that when a trusted app vibrates, if a visible app 
tries to vibrate, it will not work?
If no, it may be important to add this to the note under step 7 as an 
additional cause of potential failure.


Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 12:44:33 UTC