RE: System Level APIs draft proposal

I wonder what you are referring to by "traditional applications" here? 
I find no reason for *native* (designed explicitly for particular OS and running in installed mode) application to use these APIs.


Deepanshu Gautam
Senior Engineer, Service Standards, Huawei
O: +86 25 56620008 M: +8613585147627

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin Berjon []
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 11:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: System Level APIs draft proposal
> Hi all,
> during our last face to face meeting it emerged that there was interest in
> there being another working group that would work on System Level APIs, of the
> kind that would be too dangerous to include in a browser but that would be
> useful if you wanted to build a Web-based OS, be it through "traditional"
> applications or with some form of browser extension system.
> I looked around the existing landscape and had a variety of chats with people
> who expressed interest in the topic, and put together a draft charter.
> Please note that this draft is just my personal input, it does not represent
> the consensus of anyone other than myself, is not endorsed by whoever, etc.
> Your feedback is welcome!
> --
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 02:39:46 UTC