Re: General sensor API feedback

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Tran, Dzung D <> wrote:
>> I'm also not sure what the page could do with 'minDelay' and 'resolution'.
> This could be useful, so that the developer would know how fast the sensor can return data.

In general for API design for the web we avoid adding features unless
we have solid use cases. This because once an API has been added it's
basically impossible to remove or change. So I'd rather not have these
in the spec unless there are use cases for them. We can always add
them later if someone comes forward with use cases.

> Also I will definitely consider looking the below suggestion more closely. I might have to revamp the whole
> Spec.

Thanks. Sorry for providing this feedback so late.

/ Jonas

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 11:21:06 UTC