Re: Pick Contacts Intent

Hi Cathy,

On Jun 27, 2012, at 23:41 , <> <> wrote:
> I notice that the ContactIntentExtras dictionary contains a fields item
> which is DOMString[]. Meanwhile, the getExtra() method of Intent is spec'd
> to return a DOMString.

Whoa, good catch!

> I suppose it would be necessary to modify the
> getExtra() method to work with the dictionary definition (and to be more
> flexible in general)? Say, returning any instead of DOMString?

Actually, one thing that we discussed before (and that is pending on implementers telling us if it's actually possible — Greg had concerns that there may be issues) was just exposing an |extras| attribute instead of getExtra(). That attribute would contain all that was provided for extras, presumably filtered through structured cloning or some such.

If doable, I personally much prefer that solution. Not to offend anyone, but using getExtra() to access what is most likely initially provided as an object literal feels very much Java-ish to me!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 11:56:39 UTC