Re: Media Access/Device Storage/Gallery API

I don't think the web intent approach is appropriate for local files
because it requires too much user intervention; consider a photo album type
application that is meant to help your organize your local pictures.  The
user wants to be able to grant access to an entire gallery, not just
individual pictures.  Furthermore, in the steady state, the user won't want
to select their galleries each time they open their photo album app,
they'll want it to retain access. Web intents aren't really designed to do
that and I don't think it makes sense to add that kind of feature.


On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> Hi Claes,
> On May 31, 2012, at 17:03 , Nilsson, Claes1 wrote:
> > I have looked at your Web Intents based Gallery API and tested the demo.
> It works fine for the simple use case of picking a  media file and
> displaying it’s metadata. Just a question, why do you exclude your Gallery
> API from picking local media files? Couldn’t a user agent’s implementation
> of the Gallery API provide access to local media galleries?
> With the Intents approach you don't need to know if the files are local —
> you can have a locally registered intent for that.
> --
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 18:01:05 UTC