About testable assertion

Hi all,

Thanks everyone for good discussion in F2F last week.

I have one question about testable assertions we discussed at the second day of the meeting.
We came to understand that, in writing a spec, testable assertions help test case developers to make test cases easier.

However, while reviewing "A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Requirements" spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/test-methodology/#testable-assertions-and-test-----cases), I found the following description about testable assertions:
"A test case is a machine processable object that is used to test one or more conformance requirements. A testable assertion, on the other hand, is a prose description of a test case intended for human testers - i.e., for a given test case, testable assertion defines exactly what the user agent needs to do (behaviorally or conditionally) to pass the test case. *It is important to note that testable assertions don¡¯t appear in a specification* - they only appear in a test suite to describe a test case."

Since it had been discussed in the meeting, I would like to hear some opinions about this. ;)


Jungkee Song

Received on Monday, 16 July 2012 13:13:36 UTC