Re: Webinos specification publicly available

Hi Claes,

thanks for bringing this to the group.

On Sep 2, 2011, at 16:52 , Nilsson, Claes1 wrote:
> For the Service Discovery we will conduct a more careful comparison with Opera’s proposal ( and

Such a comparison would be extremely helpful in moving the work forward; I'm pretty sure that there's wide interest in this. Do you have an idea of when a draft of such a comparison would be available? I think that contrasting the approaches would be informative.

> Furthermore, as side note, Google has announced Web Intents: . Looking at this it seems as similar to Web Introducer, i.e. it seems aimed at solving the same type of use cases, and seems to be the model currently selected by Google.

Yes, Web Intents have long been on this group's radar and it would be great if we could get work started in this area (as per our charter). Mozilla has also done some work on the same topic:

The question is: how do we get the right people around the table given that we've already lifted all the bureaucratic hurdles?

> So we need to understand these different models and understand the similarities and differences.

I've been meaning to put together some feedback on the various intents proposals I've seen so far but haven't yet had time.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 11:21:15 UTC