RE: Battery Status Event Spec


As I reviewed the SysInfo APIs section on battery status, since I was the editor for this and I don't see much differences here. I rather that we just start with what we have in the SysInfo APIs. I could do this easily for this and all the others into mini specs.

Dzung Tran

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Anssi Kostiainen
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 7:49 AM
To: Group WG
Subject: Battery Status Event Spec


As per my ACTION-358, here's the bare bones Battery Status Event Spec to start the discussion. It is modeled on the Device Orientation Event [1]. The properties are from the SysInfo's Power [2].

---+ Battery Status Event

* The BatteryStatusEvent fires on the window object.

* Registration for battery status events is achieved by calling window.addEventListener with event type "batterystatus".

* The initBatteryStatusEvent() method must initialize the event in a manner analogous to the similarly-named method in the DOM Events interfaces.

interface BatteryStatusEvent : Event {
    readonly attribute float?         level;
    readonly attribute unsigned long? timeRemaining;
    readonly attribute boolean        isBattery;
    readonly attribute boolean        isCharging;
    void initBatteryStatusEvent(in DOMString type,
                                in boolean bubbles,
                                in boolean cancelable,
                                in float level,
                                in unsigned long timeRemaining,
                                in boolean isBattery,
                                in boolean isCharging);

---+ Examples

// i) repeated

window.addEventListener('batterystatus', function (event) {
}, true);

// ii) one-shot

function handler(event) {

window.addEventListener('batterystatus', handler, true);
window.removeEventListener('batterystatus', handler, true);

As said, this is to get the ball rolling, so let me know what you thing. If there's rough consensus I'll ReSpec this.



Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 15:31:47 UTC