Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-07-13

Agenda — Device APIs and Policy Working Group — Distributed Meeting  #68 2011-07-13

Meeting details at the bottom of this email.

1) Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection, announcements

• Note any additions or changes to agenda

1a) discontinuing UK, FR dial-in zakim numbers

2) Minutes approval

proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 6 July 2011 are approved

3) 19-21 July F2F agenda

4) Battery 

Last Call?

5) Contacts

Status update?

6) Permissions API

Status update?

7) Other APIs

any other APIs  to discuss?

8) Action and Issue review

8a) Pending actions - closed without discussion unless concern raised.


8b) Open Action review

Please review your actions at

When completed change status to "Pending" and send email to public list indicating conclusion, as well as referencing ACTION-nnn in email (for tracker)

9) Other Business

10) Adjourn

Meeting Details:

Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, +, or +44.117.370.6152
Conference code: 3279 ("DAPW", or "EASY")
IRC channel: 

Instructions on meetings :

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Co-Chair, W3C DAP Working Group

Received on Monday, 11 July 2011 20:36:18 UTC