See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 05 January 2011
<fjh> ScribeNick: cmarc
<fjh> Happy New Year!
<fjh> Publishing moratorium in May - 6 May publication request deadline
<fjh> WHATWG <device> specification at
<fjh> Additional Seoul F2F workshop and logistics information
<fjh> ACTION-305?
<trackbot> ACTION-305 -- Kangchan Lee to provide details of workshop at Seoul F2F (March 2011) -- due 2010-11-12 -- OPEN
<fjh> I understood that it was two days F2F, Tuesday/Thursday with workshop on Wed, so we obviously need to clarify
<fjh> June/July F2F planning
<fjh> ACTION-304?
<trackbot> ACTION-304 -- Richard Tibbett to investigate hosting a meeting in June/July in Opera's European offices -- due 2010-11-12 -- OPEN
<dom> ACTION-304 due next week
<trackbot> ACTION-304 Investigate hosting a meeting in June/July in Opera's European offices due date now next week
<fjh> Approve 15 December minutes
<fjh> proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 15 December 2010 approved
RESOLUTION: Minutes from 15 December 2010 approved
<fjh> reviewed actions at
<fjh> ACTION-132?
<trackbot> ACTION-132 -- Max Froumentin to look at messaging subscribe with filtering and events -- due 2010-03-25 -- OPEN
<fjh> editing action on Maria for this one
<dom> close ACTION-132
<trackbot> ACTION-132 look at messaging subscribe with filtering and events closed
<fjh> ACTION-148?
<trackbot> ACTION-148 -- Bryan Sullivan to compare user interaction input with what already available in HTML5 / WebApps -- due 2010-03-25 -- OPEN
<fjh> ACTION-173?
<trackbot> ACTION-173 -- Dzung Tran to implement privacy changes noted by alissa, see -- due 2010-05-26 -- OPEN
<fjh> ACTION-214?
<trackbot> ACTION-214 -- Thomas Roessler to request IETF community review of sysinfo API Last Call WD through W3C/IETF liaison channel -- due 2010-01-31 -- OPEN
<fjh> ACTION-231?
<trackbot> ACTION-231 -- Claes Nilsson to look into what he can share re javascript-based android prototype of PowerBox -- due 2010-07-22 -- OPEN
<fjh> ACTION-232?
<trackbot> ACTION-232 -- Robin Berjon to coordinate with Tyler on exposing Contacts through Powerbox -- due 2010-08-05 -- OPEN
<fjh> issues reviewed to either close or take next steps -
<fjh> suggest changing, "API Requirements" document be renamed "API Requirements and Design Decisions"
<dom> +1
<fjh> ISSUE-2?
<trackbot> ISSUE-2 -- Error handling style -- pending review
<dom> (the APICheckList has also served somewhat as a way to record some of our design decisions )
<fjh> example of design decision to be recorded
RESOLUTION: record design decisions and rationale in API Requirements and Design Decisions
<fjh> propose to record security threats, countermeasures, and identity management considerations
<fjh> ISSUE-19?
<trackbot> ISSUE-19 -- What are key HTML 5 security model considerations that impact DAP Policy language and framework -- pending review
<fjh> ISSUE-20?
<trackbot> ISSUE-20 -- What are essential requirements for DAP security and policy -- pending review
<fjh> dom notes security requirements should take care of this
<fjh> ACTION: fjh to review security requirements document [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-321 - Review security requirements document [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2011-01-12].
<fjh> ISSUE-42?
<trackbot> ISSUE-42 -- Able to use of MMI for user interactions -- pending review
<fjh> ISSUE-42: open ended issue not specific enough to act upon
<trackbot> ISSUE-42 Able to use of MMI for user interactions notes added
<dom> ISSUE-21: we resolved to simplify the model with "permissions" instead of a duality features/capabilities
<trackbot> ISSUE-21 Is policy/access control on both features and device capabilities needed, do all submissions include both of these notes added
<dom> ACTION-316?
<trackbot> ACTION-316 -- Richard Tibbett to describe contacts write in Appendix of Contacts API -- due 2010-12-22 -- OPEN
fjh: discuss contacts writer after action completed to enable clear discussion, also with Suresh on call
<fjh> suggestion for chairs to contact ECMA TC-39 group to work on changes to the Date object or introduce a Calendar object
<Zakim> dom, you wanted to mention TC39 rhythm
<fjh> summary - we should keep TC39 informed of our approach, but not delay our work
<fjh> ACTION: fjh to follow up on ECMA TC-39 coordination [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-322 - Follow up on ECMA TC-39 coordination [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2011-01-12].
<fjh> Representing power properly
<cmarc_> how to deal the power, have a representation where the battery has a negative value, etc...
<fjh> we should integrate some of this discussion into the specification
<fjh> ACTION: bryan to update sysinfo related to power discussion [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-323 - Update sysinfo related to power discussion [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2011-01-12].
<fjh> Maria updated doc, see
<fjh> please review updates
<fjh> also additional update may be needed based on
<fjh> None
<fjh> Please review the latest drafts and look at the actions. To see your actions, use
<fjh> Hope Robin feels better, and Happy New Year again.