Vibration API - There is no definition about invalid parameter.


I'm implementing the Vibration API to the webkit.
But, I have two questions about this.

There is no definition about invalid parameter in the spec.
If I get a invalid parameter like string( navigator.vibrate("1000sec")
or navigator.vibrate([1000 200 500 "msec"])),
Which DOM Exception have to be set from the engine?(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR??)

If the device gets vibrate message from WebAPP during it is vibrating
already, how do I arrange these.
There are three options, I think.
1. Stop the first vibration, and do the second.
2. Ignore the second
3. After finish the first vibration, do the second.

I think we have to arrange this and add to the spec.
Thank you.


Received on Tuesday, 27 December 2011 08:47:05 UTC