dial-in details Re: calendaring coordination calls Re: doodle (Re: Scheduling calendaring coordination call.)

On 12 Sep 2010, at 21:58, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> Looking at the Doodle results (sorry, later than I had expected to), I propose that we hold the general coordination call on Tuesday 10am Boston Time (4pm Paris Time).
> The call will have Rich, Cyrus, Mike Douglass, Dave Thewlis, Wonsuk Lee, and Robin Berjon.  

I've reserved a bridge for this call:
	conference Team_(calendar)14:00Z scheduled with code 26632 (CONF2) tomorrow at 10:00 for 60 minutes

Please call the W3C zakim bridge at +1.617.761.6200 and use code 26632 to join the call.  I suggest #calendar on irc.w3.org, port 6665, as the back-channel.  While I'll be on IRC, I won't be able to make it to the call.

> Robin, please confirm that you can make this time slot, since you'll be (together with Rich) the one who'll need to present the WG's work; I don't anticipate that either Frederick or I can participate in that call.
> Cyrus, can you pass this on to Mike and Dave?
> (There would be a slightly better time slot on Monday, but it's now too late to call a meeting for that time.)
> Looking at the doodle poll for the lunisolar discussion, I don't see a time that on the current poll that works for all critical parties (and I don't see a response from some of the interested parties).  I'd be inclined to let the e-mail thread go for a while, and take a stab at scheduling something once we see where that goes.
> Thanks,
> --
> Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>  (@roessler)
> On 2 Sep 2010, at 11:17, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>> On 31 Aug 2010, at 15:54, Cyrus Daboo wrote:
>>>> For the lunisolar discussion, my sense is that the interested parties on
>>>> the DAP side are Robin, Rich Tibbett, Dom or myself, possibly Suresh,
>>>> certainly Wonsuk Lee and Donyoung Lee.  That means that we'll have a
>>>> bunch of folks in Europe, Korea, and one person on Eastern Time for that
>>>> call.
>>>> For general coordination, I'd expect Robin, Rich, Dom or myself to be the
>>>> relevant parties; all on EU time.
>>>> Want to take a stab at proposing time slots?
>>>> (All: If I'm getting the list of interest parties wrong for any of these
>>>> calls, please correct now!)
>>> So how about setting up another Doodle poll?
>>> There may be one or two other CalConnect folks who want to be directly involved in this so I will forward any doodle details to them too.
>> ok, two Doodle polls.
>> For general coordination:
>> 	http://doodle.com/peani6napzv6xkr9
>> For the lunisolar discussion:
>> 	http://doodle.com/4t7xagpu9h4xe22i
>> Note that the lunisolar discussion will involve an antisocial time slot for at least some participants, since it seems like the set of critical participants will involve folks from Europe, Korea, and possibly the US West Coast. I've given a wide range of possible times, and would ask that you include antisocial, but feasible times in your availability.
>> Deadline for filling these in is close of business this Friday.

Received on Monday, 13 September 2010 08:36:54 UTC