Re: Updated Features draft

Hi Frederick,

Le mercredi 25 août 2010 à 17:26 +0200, a
écrit :
> I added a warning to clarify that BONDI and Android material are
> informative examples  and likely to change. I also removed the empty
> capability sub-sections.

I see that you've brought back the Features/Capabilities distinction;
but the features sections is entirely empty at this stage, and the
Capabilities section makes references both to Android Capabilities and
BONDI features.

I wonder if we shouldn't drop that distinction entirely, and simply
talks about "permissions" or "access permissions"? In other words, it's
not clear to me what it buys us to have this layering of
capabilities/features when this distinction doesn't exist in browsers
today, and when the widgets P&C spec only know about a single layer as

In terms of granularity, I think we should start from the granularity
used by browsers today (e.g. no distinction between
geolocation.getCurrentPosition and geolocation.watchPosition would imply
a single permission string for geolocation) for existing APIs, and start
from what we've described in our drafts for the new APIs.

I'm willing to take a stab at it (as per my ACTION-263), but only if
that direction makes sense to you.


Received on Thursday, 2 September 2010 07:51:04 UTC