Re: [contacts] Implementation/Spec deltas

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Rich Tibbett <> wrote:

> I've been going through the notes provided at [1] and only two
> incompatibilities still exist between the API structure of the Mozilla
> Contacts implementation and the W3C Contacts API (pending more complete
> tests on the normative requirements included in the W3C spec of course):
> - W3C API includes error codes rather than strings for error callbacks. Any
> feedback on what works best here? Codes might be useful for I18n error
> reporting although messages are much more direct and easily understandable
> (and can contain reference error codes if required). Any recommendations or
> thoughts?
> - The ContactFindOptions.updatedSince attribute has been changed to accept
> a Date object. We have this object in the JS environment so it makes sense
> to use it. Initially it was defined to be xs:datetime (as included in the
> Mozilla impl). Similarly, birthday and revision attributes on the Contact
> interface also now accept Date inputs.
> - 'API invocation via DOM events' is not implemented in Mozilla, though the
> section is currently non-normative feedback on this would be good from the
> implementors.
> That is all I could find and otherwise the Mozilla implementation is
> conformant to the W3C spec.

Caveat: Based on the information in [1] *only*. I did not check the
compliance of properties of the Contact interface and would hope for some
feedback on this compliance from Mozilla. The statement was more to say that
the Mozilla implementation is inline with what is defined in the W3C spec
and a whole lot more tests need doing before compliance can be assured.

> Briefly, the following changes have already been added to the spec which
> address other issues listed at [1]:
> - The special operation 'caller' has been added to the Contacts.find()
> operation. This method now acts according to its definition in the WebIDL
> spec [2] (and the Mozilla implementation).
> - A default ContactFindOptions.multiple value has been defined as 'true'.
> - Rich
> [1]
> [2]
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Mike Hanson <> wrote:
>> Thanks, Rich - a Mozilla intern (Ruven Chu, now returned to Monica Lam's
>> lab at Stanford) took a run at bringing the Contacts add-on into sync with
>> the latest Contacts API draft.
>> I asked him to keep a running notebook of issues that he encountered while
>> he was doing that.  I'll get my hands on it and post it shortly.
>> Mike
>> --
>> Michael Hanson, Mozilla Labs (@michaelrhanson)
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Rich Tibbett wrote:
>> Copying the latest Contact API release notes [1] from the Mozilla Contacts
>> project so I can assign myself an action to look at this and resolve the
>> deltas listed as appropriate.
>> Any feedback is of course welcome here.
>> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2010 13:54:20 UTC